Whenever you have a concern regarding any practices concerning the Nanofilm Group or any of its officers or employees which you believe is wrongful, you may disclose in confidence and without fear of reprisal, any such wrongful practices.
Wrongful practices include, but are not limited to:
(a) Irregularity in the Group’s financial accounting, internal controls or audit matters
(b) Corruption, fraud or misuse of the Group’s funds
(c) Possible breach of the law
(d) Serious breaches of conflicts of interest or non-disclosure of interest
(e) Fraudulent statements made to authorities
(f) Breach of Group’s employee code of conduct and business practices
All reporting must be made in good faith, without malice, and when the whistle-blower has reasonable grounds for suspecting that an incident of wrongful practice has occurred.
Reports may be submitted using the Whistle-blower Reporting Form (click here). Please send the completed and signed form to:
Nanofilm Technologies International Limited
11 Tai Seng Drive
Singapore 1535226
or alternatively, the Whistle-blower Reporting Form may be deposited in a sealed envelope marked “Private and Confidential” in a Whistle-blow Dropbox located at any of the Group’s locations.